Students from Officer Development School, Class 24070, at the Officer Training Command Newport, graduate August 16, 2024.
Assist with closing the gaps at sea; be the difference today!
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This event provides the opportunity for parents and students to join representatives from the Academies and ROTC Programs regarding the various Academy and ROTC/NROTC application processes, attending a military academy or ROTC/NROTC program, and serving as a commissioned officer in the United States Armed Forces. Congressional Nomination application packages for the Service Academies are due at the end of October and this would be a great...
Information Warfare Training Command Virginia Beach conducted a pilot of the thoroughly revamped Information Warfare Officer Intermediate Course this summer.
This two-week course, which concluded in early August, is designed as a crucial midcareer touchpoint for lieutenant commanders preparing for key milestone positions, focusing on both leadership and information warfare fundamentals.
It’s early in the morning. The sun climbs up from behind the horizon with its warm light stretching across the water of a 12-mile lagoon. The air is clean and refreshing. The view is breathtaking, but for Saipan’s inhabitants it’s a typical weekend. Here there’s a bustling mix of cultures with weather that allows everyone to enjoy outdoor activities year-round. A place of snorkeling, shrimp farming and family get-togethers. Here the...