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    DINFOS Live Episode 35 - COMCAM and VISDOC

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    Defense Information School

    On this month's episode of DINFOS Live, we'll be discussing the unique nature and mission of the Combat Camera information force and the Defense Information School's Visual Documentation Course, which trains and prepares Mass Communication Foundations Course graduates for Combat Camera units around the globe. To help us understand these concepts, we'll welcome two instructors from the VISDOC course, U.S. Army Sgt. First Class Charles Probst and Mr. Drew Pendraki.


    Date Taken: 04.24.2024
    Date Posted: 04.26.2024 18:17
    Category: Briefings
    Video ID: 920699
    Filename: DOD_110259095
    Length: 00:38:57
    Location: US

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