U.S. Army Green Berets assigned to 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) participate in a claymore range, door demolition, and medical lanes on Camp "Bull" Simone, Florida, Dec. 4-8, 2023.The Best Operational Detachment Alpha (ODA) / Special Operations Team Alpha (SOT-A) competition which consisted of physical training events, stress shoot, land navigation, and a long-range movement with various challenging tasks in each event. The teams participating demonstrated that they are agile, lethal, and combat ready for future deployments/missions. (U.S. Army Photo by Sgt. Hunter Garcia) (A blur effect was added over faces and team identifiers)
Multi-Purpose Canine Luca served with the 7th Special Forces Operations (Airborne). After retiring from the Army in 2020, Luca found new purpose with the Desoto County Sheriff's Office K9 Unit.
Luca was deployed during a traffic incident, when gunshots were fired from the suspect's vehicle, fatally wounding Luca.
Candy-frenzied phantoms, princesses, wizards, and witches visited the 7th Special Forces Group (Airborne) to see decorations, dress up in costumes, and receive treats during the annual “Trunk-or-Treat” event held at Camp “Bull” Simons, Eglin AFB, Florida, on Oct. 27, 2023.