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    U.S. Military Seeks to Promote Understanding Among Local Residents / 米軍 地元住民の理解促進を模索

    U.S. Military Seeks to Promote Understanding Among Local Residents / 米軍 地元住民の理解促進を模索

    Photo By Yoshie Makiyama | Participants from local businesses and organizations listen to a Marine's description...... read more read more



    Story by Yoshie Makiyama 

    Marine Corps Installations Pacific

    III Marine Expeditionary Force invited local leaders to the leaders workshop, March 28. They were to provide the attendees with a better understanding of the military commands and personnel, what they do, why they were in Okinawa.

    Twenty-four people from various local businesses, organizations and local employees who work for U.S. military participated. They received briefs from subject experts of III MEF, Col. Gregory R. Curtis, former deputy assistant chief of staff, G-3 of III MEF, and Col. Henry Dolberry, former commander of MCAS Futenma.

    Curtis talked about ground rules of III MEF and Marine Corps Installations Pacific. “We train and partner with our allies to deter aggressions,” said Curtis. "Ultimately, our goal is not to have to fight.” He emphasized that in order to make that happen; they had to be ready.

    Curtis also stressed that such event like this helps to emphasize the importance of building good relationships with the community.

    Dolberry expressed his love for Okinawa and its people while he talked about the story behind a scene.

    At a dinner table about a year ago with Ginowan mayor, the mayor talked about how well the Japanese did at the Olympics on the skateboard. He wanted to have a skateboard park in Ginowan City and Dolberry also agreed that it would be nice if someone who practices skateboard at their park becomes a future medalist. The mayor drew a design of the park. Later Dolberry received a blueprint of the park and was told that all they need is land for the park near Futenma.

    "I'm not interested, unless it’s awesome,” Dolberry told the mayor. He smiled and said, "Not for me but for the future of Okinawa, I'm in."

    Dolberry stated that there were politics first but they got to the relationships. "Put politics aside, to do what's best for the people for the future, that's where we are aligned," emphasized Dolberry.

    The day was continued as the workshop was filled with tours to Marine Corps facilities, where local residents rarely see inside the fence, such as Marine Corps Air Station Futenma, Ie-jima Expeditionary Airfield, and the Jungle Warfare Training Center.


     地元のさまざまな企業や団体、基地内で働く従業員から24名が参加した。彼らは、第三海兵遠征軍作戦訓練部前次長グレゴリー R. カーティス大佐と普天間航空基地前司令官、ヘンリー・ドーベリー大佐から、それぞれ第三海兵遠征軍、普天間航空基地の説明を受けた。





     「私は興味がありません」と市長にドーベリー大佐。しかし、即座に「それが素晴らしいものでなければね 」と付け加えた彼は満面の笑みだった。「私のためではなく、沖縄の未来のために、私は賛同します」と言ったそうだ。



    (The story was written for the Big Circle May issue but did not make into the magazine due to the space amiability. この記事は「大きな輪」5月号用に執筆されたが、スペースの都合で誌面には掲載されなかった。)


    Date Taken: 04.08.2023
    Date Posted: 08.31.2023 01:32
    Story ID: 452504
    Location: OKINAWA, JP

    Web Views: 78
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