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    Part of the AvengerCon VI presentations cleared for public release:

    Practical Online Privacy, presented by Alex Master

    The Internet is great - until it isn’t. With the rise of the information age, personal privacy has taken on many new meanings. Corporations, data brokers, and cybercriminals frequently abuse our personal information and heuristics because it is easy - and often lucrative. Internet users may feel helpless in defending against the privacy and security threats levied against them daily, simply by participating in modern society. This talk aims to provide practical behavior changes (OPSEC measures) and software tools (privacy-enhancing technologies) for everyday people to minimize their exposure to privacy risks. Alex will talk about some definitions, the history of how we got here, and offer some solutions to common privacy problems encountered online. The final portion of the talk is intended to begin a discussion among attendees to share tactics and knowledge from the community. The target audience is primarily U.S. citizens interested in starting the process of reclaiming some of their data autonomy online.

    AvengerCon is a free security event hosted every fall by Maryland Innovation and Security Institute to benefit the hackers of the U.S. Cyber Command community and the U.S. Army 780th Military Intelligence Brigade. The event is open to all service members and employees of U.S. Cyber Command and Department of Defense personnel supporting cyberspace missions. AvengerCon features presentations, hacker villages, training workshops, and much more.

    The event is open to all service members and employees of U.S. Cyber Command and Department of Defense, and related partners supporting cyberspace missions. It will include a keynote speaker, presentations, and villages, currently scheduled for 1 December, and workshops hosted on 30 November.


    Date Taken: 11.30.2021
    Date Posted: 09.15.2022 10:56
    Category: Series
    Video ID: 857420
    VIRIN: 211130-O-PX639-987
    Filename: DOD_109218634
    Length: 00:53:08
    Location: US

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