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    Transparency in Action: NATO Invites OSCE Observers to Exercise Trident Juncture 18

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    NATO is open and transparent in the way we exercise. In accordance with the Vienna Document on military transparency, all members of the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE), including Russia and Belarus, were invited to send observers to NATO’s exercise Trident Juncture 2018 in Norway. Observers were provided with briefings on the exercise, opportunities to observe forces and speak to troops, and aerial overflight of the area of military activity. NATO strongly supports efforts to build confidence and transparency on military activities and exercises. International rules on military exercises are respected in full. Allies respect the letter and spirit of the Vienna Document, and NATO regularly updates its schedule of military exercises:


    Date Taken: 11.26.2018
    Date Posted: 11.26.2018 13:01
    Category: Package
    Video ID: 642996
    Filename: DOD_106245975
    Length: 00:01:04
    Location: NO

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