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    TRIDENT JUNCTURE 2018 - US Chinook Pilot Interview,

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    US Chinook Pilot answers 12 questions about his work, a German infantry troop says, “We Are
    NATO,” and a group of German infantry and American air crew standing in between a US
    Chinook and a German armored combat vehicle shout “We Are NATO.”

    NATO and Norway are conducting one of the largest military exercises ever held in the country.
    During some hectic weeks this October and November, around 50,000 participants from all
    over NATO and its partners will be coming to Norway for exercise Trident Juncture 2018.

    SOUNDBITE (English) Chief Warrant Officer 2 Waitman Kapaldo, USA-A, 12 th Cavalry Division,
    Tactical Operations Officer.
    Question: What is your job?
    “I am the Tactical Operations Officer. I’m a pilot.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What’s the worst thing about being a Chinook pilot?
    “I’d have to say there’s nothing bad about being a Chinook pilot. The best thing is supporting
    the ground force. To see the guys infilling them into a battle position, giving the maneuver

    space for the commander and a ground force. It’s just a great feeling at the end of the day,
    knowing that I get to shape the battlefield from a Chinook.”

    Video by OR-7 Michael O’Brien (JFC Naples PAO)

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What’s it like working in a NATO environment?
    “It’s a really good experience to experience all the other countries and get to work with them
    side by side and get to learn the countries themselves and see how they operate and get to see
    their different parts of life. It’s a really good experience. It’s a good experience with all the

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: How does it make you feel to do your small part in NATO to make the world a safer
    “It gives me meaning in life to know that I’m helping protect more than just America now. I’m
    helping protect the world ultimately and helping build the other countries with their
    development and becoming a better force with NATO.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: How long was your longest flight?

    “The longest flight has been seven hours.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: Is there a toilet on board?
    “There’s no toilet unfortunately.

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: Have you had people get sick on your flights?
    “I have had people get on the edge of getting sick and getting disoriented and at that point it’s
    important for my crew to let me know that’s going on so I can fix what I’m doing and make
    everyone else feel a little better.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What’s the most fun part of flying?
    “The most enjoyable flight portion of flying the Chinook is doing a two-wheel pinnacle, where
    we land on top of the mountaintop and only put the ramp and the two wheels on the ground
    and have troops run off the back as the front of my helicopter is hanging off a cliffside.


    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What’s the most dangerous part of flying?
    “I would say the most difficult and dangerous maneuver that we do is doing sling-load
    operations when we have soldiers hooking up a load from underneath the helicopter as I’m
    hovering several feet above their head and to think that 50 pounds of force can come down on
    them if I don’t do my job.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What are you doing today?
    “Today we’re doing an infill with the ground force so we can infill them so they can pick up a
    battle position for a live fire exercise going on.”

    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: What’s ‘infill’ mean?
    “If I was going to explain an infill to my niece or nephew, I’d say I’m going to bring my wagon,
    I’m going to take you guys for a walk, and I’m going to take you guys to the lake. Drop them off
    at the lake and then I’m going to let you guys play in the lake a little bit and then I’m going to
    pick you up when it’s time to go home and I’ll put you in the wagon and take you back home.”


    SOUNDBITE (English)
    Question: When you were a kid growing up in the USA, did you dream you’d be part of a global
    alliance that is NATO?
    “I never dreamt that I’d get to this point in my life but it was always a lifetime goal to think that
    the impact that one person is having with the combined efforts.”

    SOUNDBITE (English) Chief Warrant Officer 2 Waitman Kapaldo, USA-A, 12 th Cavalry Division,
    Tactical Operations Officer.
    “We are NATO.”

    SOUNDBITE (English) German infantry troop. (With helmet.)
    “We Are NATO.”

    SOUNDBITE (English) German infantry troop. (Without helmet.)
    “We Are NATO.”

    SOUNDBITE (English) A group of German infantry and American air crew standing in between a
    US Chinook and a German armored combat vehicle.

    “We Are NATO.”

    # ENDS # @ 02:57:14


    Date Taken: 10.23.2018
    Date Posted: 10.25.2018 09:38
    Category: B-Roll
    Video ID: 635138
    VIRIN: 181023-F-ZZ999-116
    Filename: DOD_106150811
    Length: 00:02:57
    Location: NO

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