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    ISAF Joint Command morning operational update



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Joint Command

    KABUL, Afghanistan – A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured an al-Qaida facilitator during an overnight security operation in Nahr-e Shahi District, Balkh province, yesterday.

    The facilitator was a Pakistan-based attack planner and a close associate of senior al Qaida insurgents. He is a former associate of Osama Bin Laden and it’s suspected he was with Bin Laden in Afghanistan in 2001.

    The Afghan-led security force identified the facilitator’s location early Wednesday morning, and tracked him to an associated compound in Nahr-e Shahi. The security force moved quickly to isolate the compound, and an Afghan member of the force called for the facilitator and all other personnel to exit the buildings peacefully. All occupants complied, allowing the security force to ensure the safety of the women and children.

    The security force searched the area and conducted on-scene questioning with residents, resulting in the facilitator identifying himself to the force. Once identified, the force took him into custody along with two of his associates.

    The facilitator is one of several senior al Qaida and Taliban insurgents captured in the province since February of this year. Additionally, more than 35 individuals associated with al Qaida and Taliban activity have been detained in the province during the same time frame.

    No civilians were harmed during the operation.

    In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


    A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected insurgents during a security search for a Taliban leader in Mazar-e Sharif city, Balkh province, yesterday. The targeted leader plans, coordinates and conducts explosive device and suicide vest attacks against Afghan government officials and Afghan national security forces.

    Intelligence tips led the Afghan-led security force to a compound in the district associated with the leader. After securing and clearing the area, the force identified numerous individuals with suspected ties to the insurgent leader. All men were taken into custody for further questioning and possible detention. No civilians were harmed during the operation.


    A combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Taliban leader and one of his associates during a security operation in Panjwa’i District, Kandahar province, yesterday. The targeted leader was a Taliban commander who directed approximately 45 fighters and was responsible for attacks against Afghan and coalition security forces in Zharay and Panjwa’i Districts.

    Following extensive intelligence tips, the Afghan-led force located the leader at his compound in the district. After isolating the area, an Afghan member of the force called for all occupants to exit peacefully. Once the women and children were secured, the force commenced their search of the compound. The leader was identified during initial questioning and apprehended. Also through initial questioning, the security force was able to identify and detain one of his associates.

    An ISAF patrol discovered during a security operation, a drug cache in Panjwa’i District, Kandahar province yesterday. The cache consisted of 99 pounds (45 kilograms) of marijuana. The cache was destroyed by security forces.


    In Khost province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force captured a Haqqani Network facilitator and two of his associates during a security operation in Sabari District, yesterday. The facilitator is responsible for homemade bomb movements targeting Afghan and coalition forces.

    The Afghan-led force commenced a search of the facilitator’s suspected compound in the district, after several reports indicated Haqqani activity in the area. Upon locating the compound, the force called for all occupants to exit peacefully. The security force then searched the compound, where they discovered and confiscated an AK-47 rifle with ammunition and a chest rack.

    Following the search, an Afghan member of the security force interviewed residents regarding Haqqani activity in the area. During the interviews, the facilitator identified himself to the force, resulting in his detention. Additionally, the force was able to identify two other individuals with suspected ties to Haqqani activity. They were both detained for further questioning. No shots were fired during the operation.

    A combined Afghan and coalition security force detained two suspected insurgents during a security operation in Baraki Barak District, Logar province, yesterday. The Afghan-led security force was conducting the operation to capture a Taliban leader in the district. The leader is responsible for attack planning and preparation targeting Afghan forces. He also facilitates the movement of weapons and ammunition to associated insurgents.

    Following several reports of Taliban activity in the area, the force searched for the leader at his suspected compound in the district. There, Afghan members of the force interviewed residents about the leader’s location. Based on the information provided, the security force detained two individuals with suspected ties to insurgent activity. The operation was conducted at night and was completed without the use of force.

    In Ghazni province, a combined Afghan and coalition security force detained numerous suspected insurgents while searching for a Taliban leader during a security operation in Gelan District, yesterday. The leader plans explosive device attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces along Highway 1 in Shah Joy District, Zabul province.

    Multiple reports indicating explosive device activity in the area, led the Afghan-led security force to search compound associated with the leader. During the search, the force identified numerous individuals with suspected ties to the leader. They were all detained for further questioning. No shots were fired during the operation and no civilians were harmed.

    A combined Afghan and coalition force discovered a weapons cache in Do Ab District, Nuristan province, yesterday. The cache consisted of six rocket propelled grenade rounds, 200 7.62 mm machine gun rounds, one 82 mm mortar base plate and one AK-47 rifle magazine. All the weapons were confiscated by security forces.


    Date Taken: 06.02.2011
    Date Posted: 06.02.2011 01:12
    Story ID: 71456
    Location: KABUL, AF

    Web Views: 452
    Downloads: 0