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    Kurdish Regional Government, Government of Iraq sign Memorandum of Agreement

    Kurdish Regional Government, Government of Iraq sign Memorandum of Agreement

    Photo By Sgt. Jacob Fadley | The Kurdish Regional Government Ministry of Interior Karim Sinjari greets the Iraq...... read more read more

    BAGHDAD – The Iraq Ministry of Interior and the Kurdish Regional Government Ministry of Interior signed a memorandum of agreement pledging greater cooperation among the two ministries in Arbil Oct. 20.

    Facilitated by United States Forces-Iraq, the signing of the document by Jawad Al Bolani, Iraq’s minister of Interior, and Karim Sinjari, Kurdish minister of Interior, reflects an important step toward greater cooperation and integration of forces. Additionally, the agreement calls for the integration of the Zeravani and Bargiri-Fryakawtin forces to form the 6th Federal Police Division.

    The two ministries’ cooperative efforts come in the form of strengthened internal security, as the 6th Federal Police Division will be available for nation-wide deployment to conduct missions. Furthermore, the 6th Division will be formed upon Federal Police common standards in which all new recruits will be required to meet specific requirements for entry, including education, physical qualifications and background checks.

    Additionally, all Federal Police recruits will be trained in accordance with a common training curriculum, aided by trainers from the Federal Police Headquarters. Training center within the Kurdish Regional Government will be evaluated and certified by the Federal Police and integrated into the national training system.

    Recently, a direct line of communication has been established between the National Command Center here and the Provincial Joint Coordination Centers in the Kurdish Regional Government provinces of Arbil, Sulaymaniah and Dahuk. Within the last month, integrated human resources and Joint Coordination Center training was conducted between both governments with visits to Jordan and Egypt.

    In addition to this significant memorandum of agreement, the bond will only grow stronger through cooperative efforts, such as the official recognition of Kurdish Regional Government-issued passports and visas through Iraq, as set forth in the Oct. 20 agreement.


    Date Taken: 10.20.2010
    Date Posted: 10.26.2010 06:49
    Story ID: 58824
    Location: BAGHDAD, IQ

    Web Views: 260
    Downloads: 4