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    IJC Operational Update, July 15



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Joint Command

    KABUL, Afghanistan - Afghan and international security forces conducted operations in Kabul City, Helmand, Nangarhar, and Zabul provinces, July 14.

    An Afghan-international force captured two Taliban facilitators last night who were associated with the Kabul attack network and were considered a direct threat to the International Kabul Conference.

    One of the facilitators is linked to at least three suicide attacks and the other was a known improvised explosive device facilitator.

    A security force went to a compound in Kabul and Afghan forces used a loudspeaker to call for all occupants to peacefully exit the buildings. After the compounds were cleared and secured, the combined security force detained the two facilitators.

    The Kabul International Conference will bring together representatives of more than 70 partner countries, international and regional organizations and financial institutions to deliberate and endorse an Afghan Government-led plan for improved development,
    governance, and stability, according to the conference website.

    No damage was caused to any of the compounds buildings.

    A separate Afghan-international security force detained several suspected insurgents in Helmand province last night while pursuing the Taliban deputy district commander for Lashkar Gah district.

    The commander is known to conduct intimidation campaigns against residents in the area.

    The combined security force went to a series of compounds in Lashkar Gah district to search the area. The joint security force discovered IED components, military gear and Pakistani documents during the sweep.

    The suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning after the security force interviewed residents of the targeted compounds.

    Another Afghan-international force captured a Taliban sub-commander in Nangarhar province, July 14, who was directly linked to a suicide attack against Jalalabad Air Field in late June.

    The combined security force went to a compound near Surkh Rod district in the Nangarhar province to search the area. Afghan soldiers used a loudspeaker to call for all occupants to peacefully exit the compound and then cleared the buildings.

    Once the compound was secure, the combined security force detained the Taliban commander.

    The commander is linked to a complex attack against Jalalabad Air Field June 30 where a group of six to eight Taliban insurgents attempted to breach the main gate by detonating a vehicle-borne IED.

    They were repelled during a firefight with ISAF and Afghan security forces manning the perimeter and never made it inside the gates. Two combined security force members received minor injuries and several insurgents were killed.

    The Taliban commander is also directly linked to an ambush in September 2008 which wounded three coalition forces.

    A separate Afghan-international security force detained two suspected insurgents in Zabul province last night while pursuing a Taliban commander who purchases and distributes IED material and commands Taliban forces within the province.

    The commander is responsible for the November suicide attack against and ISAF forward operating base which killed an Afghan civilian and two coalition force soldiers and wounded two other ISAF troops.

    The Afghan-international force went to a series of compounds in Molla Akram Kalay in Shah Joy district to search the area. After clearing and securing the area, two suspected insurgents were detained for further questioning after the security force interviewed residents of the targeted compounds.

    No shots were fired and women and children were protected by the combined security forces in all of these operations.

    "International forces, side by side with our Afghan partners, are helping to bring to justice insurgents who use fear and intimidation to threaten the people of Afghanistan," said Col. Rafael Torres, ISAF Joint Command Combined Joint Operations Center director.

    "We're doing this so the Afghan people can move forward with rebuilding their institutions, rebuilding their country," Torres added.


    Date Taken: 07.14.2010
    Date Posted: 07.15.2010 09:36
    Story ID: 52850
    Location: KABUL, AF

    Web Views: 269
    Downloads: 209