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    It's Final! Last MHS GENESIS Staff Q&A Ahead of Spring 2023 MHS GENESIS Transition

    Last MHS GENESIS Q&A Meeting

    Photo By Harvey Duze | The last MHS GENESIS Q&A Session was held Thursday, Jan. 12, in Clark Auditorium at...... read more read more



    Story by Vernishia Vaughn 

    Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

    Bethesda, Maryland (January 26, 2023) – With less than two months before the transition to MHS GENESIS, the Walter Reed National Military Medical Center (WRNMMC) MHS GENESIS and Leidos Partnership Defense Health (LPDH) host the final MHS GENESIS Staff Q&A.

    The topics addressed were required training, pre-go-live activities, Go-Live Support, and a host of other MHS GENESIS-related questions.

    "My role is to help navigate and connect with people and the resources to master MHS GENESIS," said Rebecca Meyer, LPDH Wave Lead for WRNMMC. "We will see you to the finish line and ensure you have the pathway to success laid."

    Throughout the hour-long interactive session, panel members highlighted the work that goes into ensuring WRNMMC providers and staff have the tools available to navigate MHS GENESIS successfully.

    The in-person interactive session may be the final one before the go-live date, but Army Maj. Kirt Cline, WRNMMC's MHS GENESIS Site POC, shared that providers and staff can find resources related to MHS GENESIS on the medical facility's SharePoint page, which houses the link to MilSuite where "an extensive number of resources are."

    "When we think of resources, there's a plethora of them, " Cline said. "Having these resources available to us doesn't take away from reaching out to someone."

    To foster ongoing communication and assistance leading up to and after WRNMMC's go-live, Lt. Cmdr. Isaac Schwartz, WRNMMC's MHS GENESIS Information Steering Committee Chair (ISC) Chair encourages providers and staff to use their assigned Super User and Middle Manager experts.
    "They're empowered, capable, educated, and trained to serve you," said Schwartz. "They are your first stop."

    MHS GENESIS is the DOD's new electronic health record for the Military Health System. Once deployed at all military hospitals and clinics worldwide, you can access your health records from any military hospital or clinic from anywhere, anytime.

    Walter Reed National Military Medical Center will transition to MHS GENESIS on Mar. 25.

    For more information on MHS GENESIS, visit

    # # #
    About Walter Reed National Military Medical Center

    The Walter Reed National Military Medical Center is one of the Nation's largest and most renowned military medical centers. Recently dubbed "The Nation's Medical Center," we represent the joining of the "Best of the Best" in military medicine when National Naval Medical Center and Walter Reed Army Medical Center came together in September of 2011 to form Walter Reed National Military Medical Center as decreed by the Base Realignment and Closure law of 2005.

    We are comprised of nearly 7,100 dedicated staff members who make it their daily mission to achieve the vision and mission of our medical center. Our vision is to serve military families and our Nation's active duty, returning war heroes, veterans, and our Nation's leaders.

    We're committed to operational readiness, outstanding customer service, and world-class health care delivery for our beneficiaries.


    Date Taken: 01.26.2023
    Date Posted: 01.26.2023 16:33
    Story ID: 437314

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