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    NCO credits training for saving child

    NCO credits training for saving child

    Photo By Christopher Wilson | Staff Sgt. Curran Pendley with Fort Sill's Military Working Dog Detachment said it was...... read more read more



    Story by Christopher Wilson 

    Fort Sill Public Affairs

    FORT SILL, Oklahoma (May 11 2022,) — After a frantic knock on his door, training and quick thinking by a noncommissioned officer prevented tragedy for his Fort Sill neighbor.

    “If it wasn’t for (Staff Sgt. Curran Pendley), we would be burying my son today,” said Sgt. Thomas Crawford. “And it wasn’t just him, it was the entire (post housing) community. We had neighbors running from everywhere. I can't express to them and Staff Sgt. Curran just how grateful we are.”

    Trouble began for the family May 5, 2022, when Sgt. Crawford checked on his three children after starting a movie for them while he and his wife unpacked their belongings. He said he thought 1-year-old Noah was asleep but when he rolled the child over, he noticed the child unconscious, he wasn’t breathing and his face was “blue and purple.”

    Sgt. Crawford said he thought the toddler had swallowed something and he began performing the Heimlich maneuver but was unable to resuscitate Noah. He then yelled for his wife, Brittany, to call 911 while he took to the yard to find immediate help.

    “I was just shaking,” said Brittany. “We just moved here, and I couldn’t remember the name of our street when I called 911. I just felt like I was watching my body need to do something, but I couldn’t move. I just felt helpless.”

    While Brittany was on the phone to 911, Sgt. Crawford carried Noah to the neighbor’s house and began frantically knocking on the door.

    “I was just sitting down at the computer to work on some college classes when I heard the banging on the door,” said Pendley. “I thought maybe it was our dog that had gotten out or something like that. Then I started hearing people screaming, so I ran down the stairs to the front door.”

    After realizing the baby was in trouble, Pendley quickly began CPR. He soon had the baby breathing and in stable condition by the time paramedics arrived.

    “I’m a parent too, but it was 100% my training,” said Pendley, an NCO with Fort Sill’s Military Working Dog Detachment. “This was my first incident involving a child and first aid issues but I’ve responded to a lot of medical emergencies and that training just kicked in and I went right to work.”

    While considered a hero by many, especially the Crawford family, Pendley said he was just doing his job.

    “The praise and recognition are not what I was looking for,” Pendley said. “And honestly, I want everyone to know, the training we do works and the qualifications we have actually help and benefit our community.”

    Nearly a week after the harrowing experience, Brittany says Noah is doing fine. She said after much testing, doctors determined the child suffered from a febrile seizure caused by a high temperature. Doctors were unable to determine what exactly caused Noah’s temperature to spike.

    “He’s back to being himself,” said Sgt. Crawford. “He’s talking and communicating well. He’s walking around and acting like he normally does. I think that’s the only reason I’m OK now is because he’s OK.”


    Date Taken: 05.11.2022
    Date Posted: 05.11.2022 17:54
    Story ID: 420521

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