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    Transit Center, Kyrgyz medical teams work together, share ideas

    Transit Center, Kyrgyz Medical Teams Work Together, Share Ideas

    Photo By Staff Sgt. Olufemi Owolabi | Capt. Ronnie Mack, 376th Expeditionary Medical Group, learns about the Kyrgyz military...... read more read more



    Story by Staff Sgt. Olufemi Owolabi 

    376th Air Expeditionary Wing

    TRANSIT CENTER AT MANAS, Kyrgyzstan -- A Kyrgyz medical team visited , Oct. 27, to learn the Air Force mission and share ideas with Airmen assigned to the 376th Expeditionary Medical Group.

    The team consisted of local doctors, dentists and pharmacists and was led by Col. Iskender Abykeeev, head of the Kyrgyz Ministry of Defense's military medical department.

    The visit was a part of the growing partnership between Airmen here and Kyrgyz medical professionals. A partnership that, according to Col. Jerrod Flyer, 376th EMDG commander, will bring tremendous rewards to both sides.

    "In addition to the good will generated, there is a lot we can learn from each other," he said. "We are all providers of medical care and our main objective is to help our patients. Their training and experiences are very different than ours, and there is a lot we can learn from each other medically and surgically. We have already started to do this in several areas."

    After the briefings, the Kyrgyz team got a tour of the medical clinic, dining facility and a KC-135 Stratotanker. The visitors viewed a military working dog demonstration by the 376th Expeditionary Security Forces Squadron.

    The team wrapped up their visit sharing information and conducting a discussion with Airmen at the medical group. The topics focused on different ways both Airmen and Kyrgyz military doctors could work together and learn from each other, and how the Kyrgyz team can properly equip their newly built hospital, which is funded by the U.S. State Department and includes new, state-of-the art medical equipment.

    "We love the way things are organized here at the Transit Center," said Maj. Nurlan Uraliev, chief of dental services at the Besh-Kungei military hospital. "The U.S. has provided everything the Airmen need to work with, and Airmen need not worry about anything. All they have to do is to get here and get the job done. We are very excited and look forward to our partnership with Airmen at the Transit Center."

    The idea of working together to perform an operation was also discussed by both sides.

    "We are planning to accomplish medical operations with each other as new cases arise," Col. Flyer said. "In addition, we will be helping them with ideas and advice in regards to obtaining equipment and supplies for the new surgical hospital at Besh-Kungei. We are confident that this relationship will continue to build as medical colleagues with a special bond and as members of the armed forces of our respective countries."


    Date Taken: 11.01.2009
    Date Posted: 11.01.2009 23:06
    Story ID: 40938
    Location: MANAS AIR BASE, KG

    Web Views: 311
    Downloads: 298