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    My Why: A Puget Sound Service Member tell us why they got the COVID-19 vaccine

    HM2 Ramos talks vaccine

    Photo By John Wayne Liston | HM2 Kaleesha Ramos of the Navy Medicine Readiness Training Unit Everett speaks about...... read more read more



    Story by Kirstin Grace-Simons 

    Madigan Army Medical Center

    HM2 Kaleesha Ramos of the Navy Medicine Readiness Training Unit Everett speaks about why she chose to get the COVID-19 vaccine:

    “I decided to get the COVID vaccine most importantly for my family. I’m a very proud mom of three beautiful kids. And my biggest concern was the struggle between being safe and vaccinated for their sake and also for the sake of that I was breastfeeding. I’m a breastfeeding mom and it’s very often that pregnant and breastfeeding women are not included in drug trials. I was concerned about the COVID vaccine and how fast it was developed in reference to the safety of my situation. I did a lot of research and I came across two testimonies of women in a similar situation receiving the vaccine – women that are incredibly valued in their opinion due to their profession. One woman was in San Francisco; she’s a neurologist. And she was breastfeeding. Hearing her testimony really helped me decide on my own decision. But, what really did it for me was an interview I actually heard on KUOW, here in Washington, of a fetal medicine physician who was six months pregnant at the University of Washington. Her testimony also really drove home the need that I have to set that example to take the COVID vaccine and to safeguard not only those around me but my family and especially the patients that I see every day.”

    “Another driving force for me was that I have two brothers with a severe genetic disorder. It’s called cystic fibrosis and it affects their lungs. They’re very susceptible to lung infections and with COVID-19, when it came about, it has put fear in me every day that I could lose them. I have been unable to see them. For different situations, they have been in and out of the hospital, which is not unique to them. But, in the times of COVID-19, it really scares me. I ultimately decided to get the COVID vaccine not only for my family, but for the safety of my brothers so that I can see them again and visit and not run the risk of infecting them, even if I had no symptoms. In doing this, I feel that I’ve really set an example for others to follow, which is important for us to come together as a community so that we can all be safe from this virus.”


    Date Taken: 05.01.2021
    Date Posted: 05.06.2021 19:50
    Story ID: 395866

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