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    DTRA engages international partners on CBRN security

    DTRA Inovation and Technology Advances

    Photo By Andrea Chaney | Examples of innovation and technology advances in the Defense Threat Reduction Agency...... read more read more



    Story by Andrea Chaney 

    Defense Threat Reduction Agency

    GENEVA, Switzerland—Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) Director Vayl S. Oxford delivered the keynote speaker at the Chemical, Biological, Radiological and Nuclear (CBRN) Summit and Live Exercise conference in Geneva, Switzerland Nov. 11-13.

    The conference brought together leading security professionals and industry leaders to address current and emerging CBRN threats and identify capability gaps. The CBRN threat has been pushed to the forefront of international attention in recent years following the Ebola epidemic and chemical weapon attacks in Syria and Salisbury.

    “It’s important that we come together with our international partners and allies to share and collaborate on ideas as they relate to the CBRN community,” said Oxford. “As part of what is called Globally Integrated Operations, we are constantly trying to minimize escalation by looking at alternative responses, and listening to our partners’ perspectives creates tremendous advantage.”

    DTRA’s mission enables the Department of Defense (DoD), the U.S. Government, and international partners to counter and deter weapons of mass destruction and improvised threat networks. DTRA enables the warfighter to deter, prevent, protect, mitigate, respond and recover from CBRN threats and effects as part of a layered, integrated defense.

    “Part of the theme for this conference was innovation,” Oxford said. “In our chem/bio departments, we’ve really excelled in our capabilities to bring new technologies to the warfighter.”

    Oxford shared examples of innovation and technology advances in DTRA, which include lighter weight suits that provide individual protection, detection and decontamination processes using advanced ‘slurry,’ and wearable technology platforms for combat forces that provide detection capabilities.

    “These advances you’re seeing here today really changes the dynamic of how we operate on the battlefield.”

    Other guest speakers and attendees of the conference included the World Health Organization (WHO), the Defence CBRN Centre from the Royal Netherlands Army, U.S. Northern Command, the Joint CBRN Defence Centre of Excellence at NATO, the Czech Republic National Institute for Nuclear, Chemical and Biological Protection, and the CBRN Regiment Commander for the Spanish Army.

    For more information on the conference visit

    For more information on DTRA’s mission and programs, visit


    Date Taken: 11.20.2019
    Date Posted: 11.20.2019 09:08
    Story ID: 352501

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