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    Retired Army general, wife share story of loss

    Retired Army general, wife share story of loss

    Photo By Sgt. Sharmain Burch | Retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Graham, a mental health advocate visits Soldiers with the...... read more read more



    Story by Spc. Sharmain Burch 

    U.S. Army Central   

    SHAW AIR FORCE BASE, S.C. – “I am a soldier, a husband and a dad and I am here to share with you that no one is isolated from hardship,” said retired Army Maj. Gen. Mark Graham.

    As September marks Suicide Prevention Month, Mark Graham and his wife, Carol, both mental health advocates, visited Third Army/ARCENT soldiers at Shaw Air Force Base, S.C., to share their story; the loss of both their sons, one son to a roadside bomb in Iraq and the other to suicide, during Third Army/ARCENT’s annual suicide prevention training Sept. 11.

    Suicide favors no particular race, group, or gender, and the Grahams tour military bases to aid in the silent war on depression which could lead to suicide.

    “Many soldiers have wounds you can see and many have wounds you can’t see,” said Mark Graham. “So helping someone is being able to see signs for help or merely knowing that there is help available.”

    The training afforded the touring couple the opportunity to point out the importance for every leader, subordinate and friend to recognize the seriousness of depression and not fall into the stigma that it can’t happen to you or someone you love.

    As it stands in America, more lives are lost to suicide than homicide, according to the American Association of Suicidology. Nationwide, suicide is the 10th ranking cause of death, third among people ages 15-24, compared to homicide which ranks 16th. Each year there are an estimated 1.1 million attempted suicides, translating to one attempt every 29 seconds. The growing epidemic of suicide deaths also ranks higher for males than for females. There are an estimated 3.7 male deaths for every female death.

    Though suicide rates are increasing, Carol Graham said being aware of signs or indicators for suicidal behavior as it relates to depression or post traumatic stress disorder is critical.

    Although the loss of both sons, 2nd Lt. Jeff C. Graham and Kevin A. Graham, Senior Army ROTC cadet, will always be a tender loss for the Graham family, sharing their story helped emphasize their message that although depression is an illness, it does not have to lead to death because help is available.


    Date Taken: 09.11.2013
    Date Posted: 09.16.2013 15:14
    Story ID: 113713

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