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    ISAF Joint Command operational update



    Courtesy Story

    ISAF Joint Command

    KABUL, Afghanistan – An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a senior Taliban leader and one other insurgent during an operation in Khugyani district, Nangarhar province, today.

    The leader is responsible for a wide range of insurgent activities in Khugyani district. He has planned and directed assassinations against government officials, conducted multiple attacks targeting Afghan and coalition forces, and has facilitated the movement of money, weapons and insurgent fighters throughout the local area.

    In other International Security Assistance Force news throughout Afghanistan:


    An Afghan and coalition security force killed one insurgent during an operation in search of a senior Taliban leader in Nahrin district, Baghlan province, today. The leader is the ranking Taliban military official in Nahrin district. He and his cell of insurgent fighters have conducted a campaign of assassinations in the district, collected illegal taxes from local civilians, and participated in multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He is instrumental in training and familiarizing new fighters in the area and has a history of coordinating suicide attacks with local Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan terrorist groups. As the security force approached the leader’s suspected location, one insurgent maneuvered against the Afghan and coalition troops. After positively identifying the lethal threat, the security force fired upon the insurgent, killing him. The security force also seized a light machine gun and ammunition as a result of the operation.

    An Afghan and coalition security force killed one insurgent during an operation in search of an insurgent leader with ties to the Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan in Baghlan-e Jadid district, Baghlan province, yesterday. The leader directs improvised explosive device operations targeting senior government officials and Afghan and coalition forces in multiple districts throughout Baghlan province. He also works directly with Taliban senior leadership to disseminate information to low-level fighters and is vital in facilitating money and weapons to insurgent groups in the local area.

    Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed today the arrest of a senior insurgent leader with ties to both the Taliban and the Islamic Movement of Uzbekistan during an operation in Burkah district, Baghlan province, yesterday. The leader has operational control over a group of fighters responsible for multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He is vital in facilitating the movement of weapons, particularly rocket-propelled grenades, to insurgent fighters in the area. He and his group also collect illegal taxes from the local populace in order to fund terrorist activity.

    Responding to an attack on another ANSF unit, Provincial Response Company Baghlan enabled by coalition forces responded as a quick reaction force, killed six insurgents in Baghlan E Jadad district, Baghlan province, yesterday. The joint force engaged several insurgents armed with small arms and RPGs shortly after being dispatched by the Provincial Chief of Police.


    An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban facilitator and one other insurgent during an operation in Maiwand district, Kandahar province, today. The facilitator is responsible for providing weapons and fighters to multiple insurgent groups in the local area. He has a history of distributing IEDs, grenades, machine guns, ammunition and other military supplies for use in attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. The security force also seized two pounds of opium as a result of the operation.

    An Afghan and coalition security force arrested a Taliban facilitator and four other insurgents during an operation in Nawah-ye Barakzai district, Helmand province, today. The facilitator has a history of distributing IEDs to various insurgent cells throughout Helmand province. He has also participated in multiple attacks against Afghan and coalition forces.

    Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed today the death of Taliban leader, Shafiq, during an operation in Shah Wali Kot district, Kandahar province, Wednesday. Shafiq, also known as Khan, was responsible for numerous attacks against Afghan and coalition forces throughout Kandahar province. He and his subordinates were involved in IED operations, poppy cultivation and distribution, and the facilitation of weapons in the local area. He also instructed his insurgent cell to kidnap members of the Afghan National Security Forces when conducting operations.

    Afghan and coalition security forces confirmed today the death of Taliban leader, Mazloom, during an operation in Nawah-ye Barakzai district, Helmand province, April 25. Mazloom was involved in IED operations and direct fire attacks against Afghan and coalition forces. He was also responsible for kidnapping an Afghan National Security Force soldier, training subordinate insurgent fighters and coordinating the movement of ammunition and weapons to Taliban forces.


    Provincial Response Company Farah, enabled by coalition forces, detained six insurgents and seized a cache of weapons, drugs and ammunition while conducting a high risk arrest in Pusht E Rod District, Farah Province, yesterday. The cache consisted of four RPG rockets, two pressure plates, 110 rounds of 7.62 mm ammunition, 5.5 kg (11 pounds) of opium and .5 Kg (5 Pounds) of hashish. All evidence was collected and transferred along with the six detainees to Afghan law enforcement officials.


    Date Taken: 05.06.2013
    Date Posted: 05.06.2013 02:05
    Story ID: 106386
    Location: KABUL, AF

    Web Views: 182
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