Women’s Health: Taking Time for Yourself

Naval Hospital Jacksonville
Story by Yan Kennon

Date: 10.12.2018
Posted: 10.12.2018 15:30
News ID: 296218
Naval Hospital Jacksonville Preventive Health

Preventive services are your best defense against preventable diseases. Your care teams at Naval Hospital Jacksonville (its hospital and five branch health clinics) stand ready to provide those services.

“Prevention is the best medicine,” said Cmdr. Jennifer Wallinger, NH Jacksonville director for public health. “As women, we need to take time to get our health screenings and care for ourselves.”

The top two causes of death for women are heart disease and cancer, with diabetes ranking seventh, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

• Heart disease: Heart disease is the number one cause of death in U.S. women. Key risk factors include high blood pressure, high LDL cholesterol, and smoking. Other risk factors include diabetes, overweight and obesity, poor diet, physical inactivity, and excessive alcohol use. Know your blood pressure, talk to your primary care manager about diabetes testing, quit smoking, talk to your primary care manager about cholesterol and triglyceride tests, make healthy food choices, limit alcohol, and find healthy ways to cope with stress.

• Cervical cancer: Prevent cervical cancer — with the right test at the right time. Starting at age 21, get a Pap test every three years. After turning 30, you have a choice: Get a Pap test every three years; or get a combined Pap and human papillomavirus (HPV) test every five years. Talk with your PCM about options.

• Breast cancer: Mammograms are the best way to find breast cancer early, when it’s easier to treat and before it’s big enough to feel. Starting at age 40, talk with your PCM about when to start and how often to get a mammogram. You have the choice to get an annual mammogram at age 40 and up. Call Radiology today (904-542-7782). It’s easy to schedule, with no need to see your PCM.

• Colorectal cancer: Colorectal cancer is the third most common cancer in U.S. women. If you’re age 50 or over, get screened now for colorectal cancer. Screening can find growths so they can be removed before turning into cancer. Screening can also find cancer at an early stage, when treatment often leads to a cure. If you have risk factors, you might need to be tested earlier or more often. Talk to your PCM.

• Diabetes: If you have diabetes, see your health care team every three to six months for an A1C test. This checks your long-term control of blood sugar. Make an appointment with your PCM today. You can discuss strategies to manage diabetes at home, work, school, and while traveling. You can also talk with our diabetes nurse or nutrition clinic.

• Chlamydia: Most people who have chlamydia don’t know it, since there’s often no symptoms. It’s the most common sexually transmitted infection in the U.S. Women under age 25 (and older women with risk factors) need chlamydia testing every year. Call or email your PCM to schedule a urine sample in our lab.

Dealing with high stress, depression, difficulty sleeping, or other non-physical health concerns are just as important to stay healthy. Proper sleep, physical activity, and nutrition are key components of preventive health and day-to-day wellness.

Women need a mix of cardio and resistance or weight-bearing exercise at least three to five times a week to help prevent osteoporosis, heart disease, cancer, and diabetes. Exercise also promotes good self-image, which is important to a woman's mental health.

Eating healthy is critical to women’s health. A balanced diet of lean proteins, healthy fats, smart carbs, and fiber are essential elements to a proper diet.

For a well-woman exam, make an appointment with your PCM by phone (904-542-4677 at our hospital, or 904-546-7094 at Branch Health Clinic Jacksonville for active duty), or on TRICARE’s Online Patient Portal at www.TRICAREonline.com.

For immunizations, stop by or call 904-542-7810 (hospital) or 904-546-7050 (BHC Jacksonville).

To take a free class on tobacco cessation, nutrition, or healthy weight, contact our hospital’s Wellness Center at 904-542-5292.

For 24/7 clinical advice, call the Nurse Advice Line at 800-TRICARE (800-874-2273) or chat at www.mhsNurseAdviceLine.com.

To securely email your care team (for non-urgent issues), sign up for free at www.TOLSecureMessaging.com.

Some follow-up services are available virtually. Navy Care enables you to have a virtual visit with your clinician on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. Ask your provider or visit https://Navy.Care.

To view your care team’s PCMs, visit our website at www.med.navy.mil/sites/navalhospitaljax, click on Medical Home Port, and click on each team.

Naval Hospital Jacksonville and Navy Medicine Readiness and Training Command Jacksonville deliver quality health care, in an integrated system of readiness and health. NH Jacksonville includes five branch health clinics across Florida and Georgia. It serves 163,000 active-duty and retired sailors, Marines, soldiers, airmen, guardsmen, and their families, including 84,000 patients who are enrolled with a primary care manager. To find out more, visit www.med.navy.mil/sites/navalhospitaljax.