Brave Rifles advise border defense

3d Cavalry Regiment Public Affairs Office
Story by Spc. Erik Warren

Date: 08.01.2014
Posted: 08.02.2014 05:51
News ID: 138075

PAKTIYA, Afghanistan - Maj. Nathanael Tagg, Security Force Assistance Advisory Team 9, 1st Squadron “Tiger,” 3d Cavalry Regiment leader, met with Col. Basir Khpulwak, Commander of the 402nd Afghan Border Patrol July, 23 2014 at his office in Paktiya province.

Tagg will be responsible for bringing the ABP in the area of Regimental Command East to a self-sustaining capability before the exit of NATO forces from Afghanistan.

Khpulwak is the man in charge of the roughly 108 miles for Afghan border with Pakistan in Paktika, Khost and Paktiya provinces. Khpulwak works for the betterment of his country and has worked in law enforcement and border protection for over 30 years.

Tagg has had the unique opportunity to watch the ABP mature over three separate deployments.

“For my first deployment the border police was in its infancy and where often over run and soldiers ran from their posts,” said Tagg. “Deployment number two had an ABP that had developed but still had significant challenges with organizational structure. Now, just two years after that deployment there has been mass improvements.”

The ABP is very close to operating at a full capacity, even though their logistics at the higher levels can be improved. Tagg went on to say, he believes they have a solid command team with good officers that are more than capable of overcoming this obstacle.

The soldiers guarding the Afghan border are a fighting force that is willing to stand and fight. They have proven their effectiveness against significant attacks.

“These soldiers are dedicated to Afghanistan,” said 2nd Lt. Benjamin Owen, SFAAT-9 member. “They work and fight hard to make it a better and safer place, they make the organization better.”

During the meeting Khpulwak told Tagg of an attack on July, 15 2014 where enemy forces attacked a border outpost in Khost province. ABP, with assistance from the Afghan Local Police and local tribesman, repelled a large-scale assault. The tribesmen assisted the ABP in defense of their outpost and stopped enemies of Afghanistan from coming into the country and disrupting the government.

Both men were pleased with the meeting and look forward to working together.

Though the 3d Cav. Regt. is just starting its mission Tagg is pleased with the level of effectiveness of the ABP and is happy they no longer need fighting assistance form NATO forces. The 75th Regimental Commander of the 3d Cav Regt., Colonel Cameron Cantlon, weighed in on the mission and stated, “3d CR has been in Afghanistan since late June and the mission is progressing very well.”

“We are solely in an advisory role, said Tagg. “We do not fight the enemy anymore. The Afghans are firmly in the lead. We are simply advising the ABP. They are in control and doing a great job.”