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    CDSE releases new insider threat journal

    CDSE releases new insider threat journal

    Photo By Samantha Dambach | Image of new insider threat journal... read more read more

    By: Natalie Perkins
    Graphics: Aeri Wittenbourgh

    The Center for Development of Security Excellence (CDSE) recently released the new Advancement of Insider Risk Education (AIRE) Journal, an annual publication for the professionalization of counter-insider threat program personnel.  

    “Insider Threat Programs play a critical role in risk management, so the AIRE is for anyone that has a stake in a successful security program. A junior analyst to program manager, or prevention assistance and response (PAR) coordinator to chief of training, may find value within,” said Amber Jackson, Insider Threat Curriculum Manager, CDSE. “Ultimately, the security enterprise benefits when information is shared, and the workforce is prepared.  The AIRE is a nuanced extension of that information sharing and preparation.” 

    This journal offers an in-depth look at available resources, training needs, development, trends, and challenges across the DOD, U.S. Government, and Industry.

    Readers can access the AIRE journal here:


    Date Taken: 04.15.2024
    Date Posted: 04.15.2024 14:43
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