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    Fort Meade Declassified Ep 93 Howard County Office of Veterans and Military Families

    Fort Meade Declassified Ep 93 Howard County Office of Veterans and Military Families

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    Audio by Gloriann Martin 

    Fort George G. Meade Public Affairs

    On this episode of Fort Meade Declassified, we sit down with Lisa Terry, Howard County Office of Veterans and Military Families manager and Howard County Commission for Veterans and Military Families administrator, to learn more about the services and resources Howard County has to offer our veterans and military families.

    The Office of Veterans and Military Families (OVMF) provides guidance, information and access to Howard County veterans, military families, their dependents and survivors; promotes activities that serve veterans of all ages; and collaborates with other service providers to address more complex issues. To learn more, visit


    Date Taken: 02.22.2024
    Date Posted: 03.12.2024 16:38
    Category: Newscasts
    Audio ID: 79394
    Filename: 2403/DOD_110174898.mp3
    Length: 00:26:32
    Year 2024
    Location: US

    Web Views: 19
    Downloads: 1
    High-Res. Downloads: 1