Joint Base prepared for snow; Mindful of the environment and taxpayer funding

Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling
Story by Joseph P Cirone

Date: 01.25.2013
Posted: 01.25.2013 00:04
News ID: 101005

WASHINGTON - With snow in the weather forecast for a second day, Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling (JBAB) is funded and prepared for whatever comes its way.

JBAB’s Public Works department personnel and equipment are an effective force to keep the roads and walkways passable. For more significant snowfall, contract personnel and additional equipment provide augmentation.

JBAB’s goal is to stay well ahead of the snow and ensure the safety of its residents, military, civilian and contract workers and guests. “Safety and security are always our primary concerns,” Navy Capt. Anthony T. Calandra, joint base commander, said.

Another goal is to always be good neighbors and stewards of the environment, as well as taxpayer funding and limited human resources.

If the weather forecast indicates favorable conditions, JBAB takes advantage of solar heating and above-freezing temperatures to allow for quick, natural clearing of snow and ice, rather than using salt or chemicals on lightly used sidewalks and tertiary access roads on the installation, Calandra said.

While JBAB does all it can to ensure safety, personnel on the installation need to be mindful of their driving and walking practices at all times.

During periods of reduced visibility, commonly found during snow storms and winter’s short daylight hours, drivers and pedestrians need to remember to exercise extreme caution and remain extra vigilant.

“Wipers on, lights on. Slow down. Don’t text or use a handheld cell phone while driving. Watch for pedestrians and bicyclists. Pedestrians should only cross in marked crosswalks; Wear light colored clothing or reflective bands and don’t assume drivers can see them easily,” Calandra urged.

In all weather or other emergency situations affecting the Washington area government workforce, JBAB follows the guidance of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) regarding federal facility closures; early dismissals and liberal (unscheduled) leave. The OPM guidance is broadcast via commercial media; online sources and JBAB’s social media systems ( and

“Allow extra time for travel and maintain a larger distance between vehicles, when conditions warrant it. Above all, be courteous, patient and use good judgment,” Calandra concluded.